“i-Care” i-Pad Campaign
We donate iPads to Pike County residents with Autism (ASD) who have limited or no expressive language as a communication device as well as Proloquo2Go – The world’s most popular AAC app for iPad and iPhone
Proloquo2Go is an award-winning AAC app that enables non-speaking children and adults to express themselves confidently and initiate conversations. Trusted by hundreds of thousands worldwide, it is highly flexible and can be personalized to cater to individual needs and various disabilities.
Customize, communicate and connect with Proloquo2Go!
Download iPad i-Care Application
“i-Care about Music”
Pike Autism Support Services is pleased to announce our new i-Care Program called “I Care about Music” which was made possible through a generous grant from The Greater Pike Community Foundation.
Our goal is to enable both chidren and adults with autism & other special needs access to musical instruments and instruction. To make this goal a reality, we are collaborating with the Delaware Valley School District Music Dept, PCDC (Pike County Developemental Center), HRC (Human Resource Center) and the Milford School of Music & Music Center.
We hope to provide the opportunity, support and encouragement necessary for persons with intellectual disabilites to learn to play a musical instrument.
Persons with intellectual disabilities may be faced with deficits in communication, challenging behaviors, inability to appropriately interact with their typical peers and effectively express their emotions.
Learning to play an instrument can open doors to a better quality of life.
Download “i-Care about Music” Application: icare about music application ver 2
We provide a variety of scholarships for special needs children to attend GAIT Therapeutic riding, DV-Ace Adaptive swimming, the cost of parents to attend Autism related conferences and workshops, adaptive equipment, SEALS Adult education program and other relevant activities.